Sunday, July 1, 2018


Welcome to July!

How did we get here already?  Seems like it was just May and I was planting my vegetable garden!  Seems like I was also wishing you all a happy weekend, and that was half a month ago!

Hope you have all been keeping well, and enjoying this summer season so far?  There is much about summer that I love, but there is a bit of it that I don't - excessive heat in particular  - and we have had it in spades!  So while I love to be outside working in the gardens and in my yard in general, I just can't tolerate extreme heat and humidity - what's enjoyable about being stuck indoors in the air conditioned house on a sunny summer day?

But it's better than having to visit the hospital with heat exhaustion, as I did last year!

So - the garden....

Well it's not growing as well as it has other years - extreme heat being one factor, but the other is the lack of rain.  We have only had 3 inches of rain since the snow has melted, and the grass and vegetation, and certainly the vegetables struggling to grow in the garden are really reflecting that at the moment.  I have been spot watering, but my yard and garden is too large to water regularly... so we are limping along hopeful for gentle overnight rains and cooler day temps to help the plants.

I haven't been working in the studio either, in fact until yesterday I think the last time I was up there to do anything was the last blog I wrote.  The heat just does not inspire me to be active in anything, I'm afraid.  Yesterday, a much cooler day, was the first day in a long while where I was actually up there working on my projects.

So lazy days of summer, these days certainly are... there actually is something to those lyrics of the that old Nat King Cole song.  At least that is true for me.

Today is Canada Day - a day for celebrating our beautiful country and our heritage.  We plan to take in the local festivities and the fireworks tonight at our community park.  I have never been successful catching fireworks on my camera, so I am going to challenge myself again tonight and see what I can come up with.

So enjoy your first day of July everyone - Happy Birthday Canada!  So proud to call you my home and native land!

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