Nothings is growing... things that I transplanted that I had grown indoors by early seeding are just about the same size as when I put them in the garden. Things that I direct sewed into the garden are spotty - some things - like carrots - I have sewn 3 times and still not a sprout. Other things like beans, maybe half came up, and the things that did come up, are just not progressing.
Once again I have an entire garden filled with portulaca, and I have actually taken the tiller to the garden and tilled all the open spaces. I have ants everywhere, I have cutworms everywhere, spiders killing my cherry tree and my birch tree, a neighbours cat using my beds as his personal toilet, dead grass, and straight line winds that have broken most of the tall perennials down in my shed bed.
I have birds that live in my strawberry patch, and some that have set up shop in my Saskatoon tree!
Oh and I forgot, worse of all - I have very few pollinators!
Yes - I am royally fed up. I am about ready to take the tiller to the whole yard and be done with it.
Then I come across something like these little beauties...
Beauty in spite of the drought, ants, spiders, wind and lack of bees, choking weeds... How can I give up, when they haven't?
I can water everything to curb the effects of the drought - but treated water is not the best, and I have a lot of property to water - not sure it's really worth the expense.
I can attract pollinators ( another blog coming up about that)
I can try and kill ants, and I have killed a lot - but you just get one hill down and another forms in another spot.
I can pulls weeds, and I have been doing that every day, but where to start when they are everywhere. I also could mulch, and that is something I want to do - but without vegetation growing, not much mulch is produced.
I delight in hacking cutworms to bits - if I dig one up - I go into terminator mode.
I could do the same with the neighbours cat - but it is someones pet after all... I have nothing against cats - I like them - just not pooping in MY yard!
I can't do anything about damaging straight line winds, except bawl when I have to cut back plants that should bloom for another 4 weeks or so.
The birds - well to tell the truth, it cracks me up when I go outside and see a head pop up out of the middle of my strawberry patch - and then disappear again, because they are not quite done! The cheeks!
We netted the Saskatoon bush but the birds flew up from the bottom and went inside anyway.
I love my birds and I don't really care if they get some fruit - I don't have enough from either source to do anything with anyhow....
My biggest problem is not any of these things. If I could be outside all day to stick with these tasks, I would gladly be outside all day and get them all done. But I can't do that with the extreeme heat we have had for the past 6 weeks. I just can't tolerate the heat, so I work in the early morning, and late evening... or on a breezy day. But it's not enough.
Should I give up?
You see - I come from a very long line of very stubborn people (on both sides of my family). At times like this I am very thankful for that fact.
And - if those little beauties up there aren't gonna give up - then I'm not going to either.
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