Friday, May 3, 2013


Are you as glad it's Friday as I am?  Gee it seems like it has been an exceptionally long week for some reason or other!

I for one, am very glad the work week is almost over - and the weather is supposed to turn warm again so perhaps we will be able to spend the majority of the weekend outside like we did last weekend.  The huge snow pile between our house and our neighbour's is now gone - so now we can get to our storage shed.  I am very anxious to get in there for several reasons - the first being that most of my larger gardening tools like forks, spades etc are in there.

Secondly I have a vintage (1960's) woman's glider bike which I intend to sell which needs to come out of there for a clean up.

Thirdly - the umbrella for our outdoor table set is in there - it too needs a wash as does the table, before it too goes on Kijii for sale.

I thought I would play catch-up with some posts I have made of late.  Catch you up on some things I have been talking about of late.

Firstly - my neighbour Gordon, did have his brain surgery last Thursday.  He did very well with the brain surgery, but the bone cancer in his arm has caused him a lot of grief and just yesterday he finally made it to a room on the ward from the surgery step-down unit.  His brothers are now here from New Zealand to visit him, so hopefully he will be well enough to go home so he can spend some quality time with them while they are here.

I managed to finish the surprise Chatty Cathy that I received from Kodiak Alaska a couple of months ago.  Remember the one that was in pieces and missing an arm?  She is done - all except needing 2 new teeth which I will try to get to this weekend if I have time.  I did a boil perm on her hair which turned out wonderful if I do say so myself... check it out...

This was so much fun to do - can't wait to try this technique on another doll...

And here she is (minus teeth).  Her face will look much better with teeth...

I think she turned out pretty nice.

And I am excited to say I have my first official doll restoration on the way from Regina Sask.  It is a cloth-bodied baby doll who needs a new body and some wig work.  She is also has a monkey that needs work -so I am excited to get this opportunity to work on some new projects.

So on to the weekend we go - have a safe and happy weekend everyone - will talk to you again on Monday!

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