Thursday, May 23, 2013

A little co-operation!

This past weekend was a long weekend here in Canada.  Yes -  we still honor Queen Victoria's Birthday with a statuatory holiday every May.

Traditionally it is the kick off to the summer season.  People head to the lakes to open their cottages, campgrounds open.  It is the weekend that a lot of Manitoban's plant their vegetable gardens because rarely do we get a frost after Victoria Day... so it is a busy weekend, any way you look at it.

This year it was a bust!  It rained all three days and the wind was so strong that many people - me included, pretty much just spent the weekend indoors with a book, or an ipad, or a Kindle or such!

My intentions were to head out on Saturday morning, early - hit the plant stands, buy my annuals and vegetables and then spend the weekend working in the gardens and planting my pots etc.


I did go out to the plant stands - and I did buy a few plants for the flower beds - none of them annuals.  I did buy a couple of tomato plants, a cucumber, zuccini and some herbs... and quite a few packets of seeds, but nothing for my pots.  Oh and I bought a hardy rose bush... Joy!

Don't know why I bothered, all of it, except the Rose Bush which I planted in the rain, it sitting under a tarp on my patio table.  I am hoping to plant some of it tonight after work - but we are getting dangerously close to frost the next two nights so I am wondering if they should just stay where they are.  If the weather forecasters are to be believed, more wet weather is coming this weekend...

Is this the kind of growing year we are going to have?  Cool bordering on cold.  Wet bordering on saturated?
After a couple of years of heat and drought the moisture is welcome - but to a point!

I will admit, however.  There is nothing quite as pretty as the green of new growth that appears after a few days of rain.  The grass, trees, and plants have all popped with the most beautiful green foilage.  We won't see such a color again until next spring, so we should stop and admire it now.

In the meantime it would be a very welcome change to have some heat and clear skies for about a week.  June is our rainy month, usually - so nows the time to plant.

Come on weather - co-operate!

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