Friday, May 17, 2013

A Birthday Greeting from Mom!

Tomorrow is a very special day.  Our son Jonathan turns 25 yrs old tomorrow.  Happy Birthday Jon!

All Mother's love their sons... I think that is pretty much a given.  I love my son, I'm proud of the man he has become, and I respect him greatly because he is so deserving of it.

After being out of school for 6 yrs following high school Jon returned to school (college) last fall to take technical drafting.  It was a tremendous decision to return to school.  He didn't really love his job, but he did like the freedoms that making money from a full-time job allowed him.  He made pretty good money and he spent really good money.

But he was in a rut, he wanted more, had no idea what he wanted, and really had no idea how to get it - and so the hunt for a career began.  I can't really remember how drafting came to be his career of choice, but as it turns out, he chose well.

He started school in September and after a few rough weeks where he learned to be a student again, he was sailing.

Jon always was a good student - but he never pushed himself  - he got by, and he was always okay with that.  Because of this he always considered himself a poor student - to the point where he believed he could never succeed in College or University.

To say he has done well is a huge understatement.  He has excelled far beyond his own expectations.  He has 1 month left until graduation, and was told this week that he will be getting an award for his year's accomplishment.  He has won - "BEST OF THE CLASS of  2012/2013".

Can you see my button's popping!  I tell you they are pinging all over the hardwoods!

His employment prospects look excellent - but best of all - he loves what he is doing.

This is all any parent can hope for really - that your child excels - certainly.  But having your child be happy in what they are doing, is the ultimate.... at least that is the way we feel!

Congratulations  Jon,  job well done!

We are so proud of you!

Happy 25th Birthday, Son!

1 comment:


 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...