My Patio is very small, and I have done a bunch of different things each year to try and make it a place where we spend lots of time, but really, my efforts have been pretty basic. So this year I am determined to make that outdoor room that I see in all the magazines and everywhere on the Internet.
To do that I am going to need lots and lots of plants. I already have perennials galore in the yard, but now I need annuals to fill up the spaces that are boring and bare. Only trouble is I have a dog that seems to like eating anything green that is in the yard, so I have to hang most of my plants. I need inspiration so of course, I went to the Internet.
You won't believe what I found....
The over the door shoe rack thingy
This planter made from Pallets - now this one I am going to try for sure. I just need to find some pallets... anyone know where I can get some?
Going to a garage sale? This is adorable
Whoever thought to do this with ordinary Eve troughs... cool!
Now this is funny. Can you just see the people lined up at the fence to chatter about this?
I see this and I think of California - not sure why - I've never been to California - but I do have a stucco house.... hmmmm.....
So now we have no excuses!
Thank you to all the creative people on
Oh BTW the first two pictures are mine - bet you couldn't tell....
I started some seeds indoors on Sunday. For now I have started some herbs (chives, basil and thyme) a few tomatoes, some Gloriosa Daises, Marigolds. As soon as these are up, I'll plant some more varieties.
So now I am off to enjoy the beautiful spring day and check out some more neat ideas in the "net".
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