Friday, February 25, 2011

Where the heck is Spring?

Here in Winnipeg we woke to -30 degrees with a wind chill of -40.  I think someone forgot to tell the weather man that we are nearing March already, AND we have already had so much extremely cold weather we really don't need anymore!  I love winter, or I always did until this year, but now this cold weather is just plain insulting.

I went for my physio on my knee and in the cubicle next to mine was a man who works for the provincial government.  He seemed to know all the details of the upcoming flood that is being predicted for us this spring.  In 1997 we had the "Flood of the Century" where the mighty Red River devastated so much of southern Manitoba.  It is predicted that this flood will be worse than that one - at least that is what this person was saying.

I was laying there with my TMS machine working on my knee thinking Oh Great! - We get to trade the cold, for water... how lucky we are!  One should never eavesdrop on other's conversations, I'm thinking!

Maybe they will be all wet...

I'm hoping that they will be wrong!

So even though I want it warm up, I guess I'd better hope for a slower melt.  No point in getting my garden plan out just yet - we have a ways to go until I can use it.

Have a great weekend everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Well in our neck of the woods we sometimes don't see Spring til late April!!! Yes this year has been a very cold one even for y'all. And I'm hoping they are wrong about all that flooding.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...