Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Are you going to celebrate Valentine's Day with your honey today?  You know, dinner out, flowers, chocolate, jewelry?  Personally I am not into the chocolate,(at the moment) and if asked,  I prefer a living plant to flowers.  Jewelry? - you know I have so much already that I seldom ever wear, seems as waste to want more and Dinner out - we eat out at least once a week as it is...

I know you're thinking - Wow her poor husband - what is he to do for Valentine's Day?

Well here's the thing.  He does, 365 days a year - not just on Feb 14th - and I wouldn't trade that for all the fancy dinners, jewelry, flowers and chocolate in the world!

So I ask you - who does buy the chocolate, jewelry and flowers?

I'm thinking the young lovers - you know the people who are looking for a soul mate, or have just found one?  Maybe those who are experiencing some difficulty in their relationships, or those who want to enhance an already great relationship?   Great Romantics!

I asked around, and most women I asked said - "Na - we don't buy each other anything... maybe we'll just go out for dinner..."

And then there is the study that I heard about this morning on the radio that said that the new trend in Valentine's Day is announcing a break-up.  Apparently more divorces are discussed at Valentine's Day than any other time....  Now that's just weird!

I guess it's one of those days that has many meanings to many people.  It can be all or nothing or a little or a lot... depending on the people involved.

Whatever Valentine's Day means to you, I hope yours is a special day, however you choose to celebrate it.  If you love flowers - I hope you get a bushel basket full of them.  If you love chocolate - may every heart you receive be filled with them.  If you crave jewelry - I hope you delight in every sparkle and shine; and if like me, you just want to be loved everyday of the year by one very special person - may each day be a day that tugs at your heart.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!  


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