Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Did I mention here, that I have been de-cluttering my home?  This is not a small thing for me, being the saver and collector of "things" that I am.  I am not a hoarder - really I'm not, but I do have a problem getting rid of things that have an emotional attachment to them. 

I tend to keep things that were given to me as a gift, or made for me by certain persons - for a very long time.  Not always a bad thing, but after awhile one runs out of space.  I have so much of this kind of thing in my home, and things that were my Mom's - things given to HER as a gift or made for HER that I have been clinging to for years.

I have a very tiny house with very little storage.  Open concept definitely does not apply.  My house is 82 yrs old with halls and doorways everywhere... so even decluttered tends to look cluttered.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try to de-clutter.  I made a plan and I made a pledge (to myself) to try and get rid of some of the things that I really had no use for, things that were given to me as gifts, that I had enjoyed, but now no longer used, and the biggest one - get rid of things that I inherited from Mom's home, because no one knew what else to do with them.

I purged from closets, cupboards, drawers and shelves, and even some totes and boxes, and I am pretty amazed at myself... I did good.... well.... good for me!

I donated all the items to the Canadian Diabetes thrift shop, and there are many usable items, even small appliances that have been gently used by me and mine.

True heirlooms have been saved for future generations and not one doll has left the building.  But now there is space to be had (at least for a little while) and I can see my way clear to a few redecorating projects for this spring.

Good job, Dale.... if I do say so, myself!!

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  A few weeks ago, I made a new bread recipe, I recorded a video on it as well, which I will link below if you are interested in watching it...