Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Friend in Need!

On Tuesday I had my 5th mammogram since my breast cancer 5 yrs ago.  Today it was a trip to the surgeon for the results and for my 6 month check up.  I see him every 6 months, but it is the visit close to the mammogram that always has me fidgeting and thinking about the return of cancer and just plain worrying if it's back.

For the past month or so I have been having some breast pain, I never told a soul, but knew I would be seeing the surgeon and having a mammogram, so let it go.  Dumb - I know, especially after having already had one breast removed.

My visit to the surgeon went well, he was extremely busy, and there was one woman about my age who came out crying, and somehow my heart just new she was the latest victim of this horrible killer of women.  She was alone, and had to wait for the nurse to give her the details of her surgery arrangements, so there she sat.  I couldn't walk past her without saying something, so I stopped, touched her on the shoulder and when she looked up at me, I told her that she was in the very best of hands.  She looked so scared, and I felt so helpless, but I walked on as I was being ushered to the exam room to see the doctor.

My mammogram was fine, and he found nothing to be concerned about with the breast pain.  So I got dressed and walked back out to the waiting room to get my parka.

The woman was gone, so I bundled up and left the office.

She was standing at the elevator, and when I approached, she came toward me.  She told me she had breast cancer, and that she was scared.  I told her that I had gone through the same thing 5 yrs ago, and that so far I was cancer free.  We talked a bit, I don't know if I helped her or not, but when she reached to give me a hug, I didn't hesitate a moment.

I didn't even get her name - But I will keep her in my prayers.  Could you please do the same?

Reminder - have yearly check-ups, push for yearly mammograms past 40 yrs of age, and please please please... do your breast self examinations... it could save your life.....

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