Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Like a Lion

It's another blustery day in Manitoba today.  Cold with a nasty North wind blowing the snow all over the place, so I guess this meas that March has come in like a Lion.  That's a good thing, isn't it?

We've had so much winter that it seems kinda counter-productive to wish for a stormy day, just so we can hope the saying will be accurate, but hey - I for one am going to count on this little bit of poetic luck.

So officially we are IN like and Lion - and we'll be OUT like a lamb... you heard it here first, folks!

So that means that I really can start daydreaming about my gardens, my yard, painting my house, all the things I am waiting to do this spring and summer??

I didn't get my seed catalogue in the mail, so I had to order another, but hopefully it will be here next week and the planning can really begin.

I know I promised you the first installment of my new book for today - but it's just not ready to publish here yet.  I don't want to make myself look inept - so I am going to hold off a bit until I have more done, and until what is done is checked and re-checked until I'm happy with it.  Sorry about that.

In the meantime, I received a couple of really easy cute shrug patterns.  I just love belonging to all the sites that send out free patterns.  Just when I'm thinking or looking for an idea - one pops in my inbox and all I have to do is buy the materials and get busy working on yet another project.

I was looking for a shrug/sweater pattern for spring and summer, and either of these patterns if done in a lighter yarn would be perfect for those cooler summer mornings, or evenings.

So if you have a minute, and you are looking for something like this to make and wear, check it out.



Have  great day...

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