Friday, March 4, 2011

Dream Big!

I received my T&T catalogue this week, so I have really been thinking about my gardens and what I would like to do with them this year.  Of course the garden I see in my mind, and the one I will eventually see in my yard, are most likely two very different gardens, but I do believe the word for that would be "Dream". 

I tend to "Dream" BIG!  I was told I should always do that... so I do.  Not that many dreams come true, but some important ones do and have... so I'm not stopping now!

So back to the gardens - I love Lilies.... any kind of Lilies.  I would say they are my favorite flowers, followed closely by daisies.  My love of Lilies comes from my Mom.  She had a beautiful collection of Trumpets,Day-lilies, and Asiatics... from bulbs she swapped and traded with people all over Canada and the USA.  She joined a group of gardeners who divided and traded bulbs every year, so every year she had the opportunity to acquire a different color, or species to add to her collection.

Several years ago, I was out at my Aunt's place in the country.  My aunt had the most amazing perennial gardens when I was growing up, but with her advancing age she had quit gardening and had pretty much let her garden go to seed and weeds.  We had just moved into our home, and I was planning on tearing up my lawn to make gardens so I asked her if I could take a shovel to her perennial beds.  I knew she would say yes, and she did. 

I spent hours digging, and when I showed her the fruits of my labours, she had a story to tell me about almost all the plants and bulbs I had dug up.  I showed her some onion looking things and she told me that they were some Lily bulbs that my Mom had given her - big white ones, that had a strong perfume... and I knew that I had the same Lilies that used to grow at the front door of my parent's home.  That started my love affair with Lilies.

As I paged through the T&T catalogue I was delighted with the new varieties of Lilies.  My Mom would have loved these new colors, shapes and varied heights.  So next week I have a date with my neighbour to take a drive out to T&T seeds to buy some bulbs... (she's a gardener too... with much more space for Lilies than I ).  The one I am really hoping to get is this one... Lily Wizzard

If you would like to see some more beautiful specimens check out T&T seeds. 

It's Friday, and next week Gary has his second eye surgery ((Monday).  We are hopeful for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.  I might be scarce for a few days while I take care of my patient.
Happy weekend everyone!

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