Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Old Girl!

Happy Birthday Canada!

Hope every Canadian enjoys and celebrates our beautiful country today!  We are blessed to live in a beautiful, free land.   We take for granted the privileges we receive by being Canadian - we have much to be thankful for, we have much to be proud of - and we are...

I have been away from here for a week.  Last week was not my best week and so I decided to give myself a break and just concentrate on me and mine.  There is much about last week that will follow us into the weeks to come, but hopefully we will be better able to cope than we were last week.

I have had a extra long weekend this past weekend.  I had my Friday off and then today is a Holiday, so 4 days off from work really helped rejuvenate my spirit.  I decided to work on the very old and sad composition doll I picked up a week or so ago.

This doll is from somewhere around the 1920's-30's.  It is completely composition which is a bit unusual because most dolls of this era were compo head, hands and feet but the body was soft , stuffed with rags or sawdust.  This one had a compo body as well.  It was in pieces in a box when I bought it, so I knew I would need to re-string it to put it together.

It is very rough shape, but I have never tried restoring a composition doll and until I learn the correct method of doing that I decided to leave this baby just as it is.  Composition was made with glue and sawdust, and if restored correctly it can be beautiful once again, but if done incorrectly it can destroy the doll.

So off I went to Fabricland on Friday  - I bought the heaviest cord elastic I could find, and then I came home and started to string this babe together.

Thanks goodness for the Internet.  I was able to get some instructions as to how best to string a doll.  In this case I strung the head through the body to the legs, using one piece of cord and then strung the arms together through the body using 1 cord.

 It was fun fishing the cord through the closed body - good thing I have always been a good Fisher-woman....  It was no small feat getting the limbs tight to the body - I really should have called for help, another pair of hands to hold as I knotted would have been great, but there was no one around at the time.

After about an hour of hard work that was awfully fun I discovered that this doll is a boy!

And here he is - all ready for Canada Day!  What a beautiful old doll he is!


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