Thursday, January 17, 2013


I was fortunate to have a week off work between Christmas and New Years.  I really did not have much planned, except for spending time with family and friends, which I did do.  Once Christmas was past, I decided that I should make use of some of my home time.

Why do we always think that every minute must be "useful"?  And just what does "useful" mean anyway?

In my case it meant dealing with the mess that had developed in my work room... again!

On and on this same scenario goes.  I change things, clean, organize, get my crafting space wonderful and usable - and POOF!  Someone goes in there without regard to all my efforts and messes it up!

Yeah - right!

So I was about to make use of my spare time - where to start?

I know - how about the rather sizable stash of yarn that I have accumulated over the years.  Good plan!

In order to get serious with said stash - I first had to gather it all.  There were three totes with yarn.  One toy-box full, one under the bed storage container full.  Lets see - several large shopping bags full in the linen closet.  Several in the closet in the work room, and assorted started and works- in- progress in many bags here, there and everywhere.  Besides the yarn - I also found bags of squares (several different kinds) already done, waiting to become afghans.... maybe?

When I gathered it all and dumped it together - it was almost overwhelming!

But still - this was my intended project so off I went to the dollar store for storage solutions.  I bought many boxes of extra large freezer bags - the ones with the zippers on the top.

I sorted balls according to size first.  Golf-ball size, hard-ball size, soft-ball size, larger than soft-ball size, and full balls.  Then I sorted again according to weight - fingering, baby weight, worsted, bulky... etc - then I sorted again according to color.

Are you impressed?

I put all the golf-ball and hard-ball sized balls in the zip bags according to color.  The rest I organized in totes according to color. 

Wow - an organized stash - somewhat.

I ended up with 3 full totes of yarn plus one tote of zippered bags and yet another tote of finished squares etc. 

VOILA - done!

It was while I was so busily doing all this that the idea of  STASH BUSTER THURSDAYS came to me.  So starting next Thursday  - every Thursday post will be dedicated to Stash Busting.  Thursdays I will inspire you with ways to bust those stashes in your work room, by showing you projects you can make to take down that stash.  Be prepared to get rid of a lot of fabric, yarn, beads, paper - well we'll see what we can help you with over time...

Your assignment:   Identify YOUR stash - and meet me here next Thursday for the first STASH BUSTER THURSDAY  installment.

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