Monday, January 28, 2013

Blabbin about Boo!

Isn't she a doll?

I was at the thrift store on the weekend, and although I really went for books, I quite accidentally found myself in the toy section!

They had a bunch of dolls, and they were all in my cart at one point, but in the end, the only one that came home with me is this one.  I didn't even know who she was, but she talks, sings and laughs.

So I went home and cleaned her up, then went on the internet to see who she was.  All I had to go on was a mark on her bum that said 2001 by Disney/Pixar.

Turns out she is Blabbin Boo from the movie, Monster's Inc.  No wonder I didn't know her - I didn't see that movie.

So I have Boo to enjoy for awhile.  I will eventually sell her on Ebay, but for now she will keep me entertained with her singing, her talking and her infectious giggle.

It was such a nice day I decided to take some pictures of the snow along our route.  Snow is something we have plenty of this year... hope that doesn't mean flooding in spring.

Here are a couple of shots around town...

Snow and ice, that's all you see in the Peg lately... and here's my yard and in front of my fence.

Good moisture for the garden in spring, I'm thinking!

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