Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look what landed on my doorstep!

I have this very incredibly generous cyber friend who has been buying dolls on line and in thrift stores, restoring them, redressing them and then reselling them on her website and Ebay.  She was the lady who found my Chatty Cathy last year, and then she found a Chatty Baby and  a Singing Cathy.  She has been saving both dolls for me to purchase for months and months, and then before Christmas, she popped them in the mail to me - unbeknown to me.

In the meantime, my son asked me if he could buy one for me for my Christmas gift.  I was delighted, of course, so I emailed my friend and asked her to send the Chatty Baby.

On Monday a box arrived from my friend - and when I opened it, there lay both dolls.  The one I had ordered, and the one I really wanted but couldn't afford right now.  There was a note in the box saying that she wanted to send both dolls because she knew I was so sick, and thought they would cheer me up.

I ask you - where would you ever find such a caring friend?  She has held on to these dolls for months, put some money into the dolls to restore them, and paid to ship them to me - because she knew they would bring a smile to my face and lighten my heart.

And I have never met this friend face to face.

I can't tell you how wonderful she makes me feel - not because of the dolls, but because she genuinely cares about me... something other friends profess, but in no way demonstrate.

Thank you Eva - I am blessed to call you friend.

And so here is my Chatty family.

Chatty Cathy in the red dress
Chatty Baby in the blue (original) outfit
and Singing Cathy in the white dress... which by the way - Eva has made.

I do believe I am in Chatty heaven...


  1. One of these days, we all need to do something special for Eva. She is a special friend to so many.

  2. Yes, and we have to make it spectacular, Sue!



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...