Wednesday, March 16, 2016



Did you bake yesterday?
Well I got all the cookbooks out, and even some ingredients -
But  No, I didn't bake a thing.  I thought about it though - many times in fact.  Does that count?

Ah - No.  So what DID you do?
Well, I did do laundry - 4 loads, big loads too, and I folded everything and put it all away!
And I spent a lot of time browsing on the computer.

Where did you browse?
Silly question.  Craftsy; Pinterest; Ravelry...

So what were you looking at during all that browsing?
Mug Rugs.  Ha - I can tell by your silence that you have no idea what a Mug Rug is!

No - I don't know what a Mug Rug is.  So what is a Mug Rug?
I am happy you asked!  A mug Rug is a little tiny quilt - well actually it is a quilted coaster big enough to hold a mug and a treat or two.

I see.
Here I'll show you some that I found today on the crafting sites.


and I downloaded this one to try and make.

You have a bunch of other quilting projects started, do you not?
Oh yes, many - but my quilting experience is limited and I lack confidence in completing those larger projects, so perhaps these smaller projects would help me get the knowledge and confidence I need to finish those other projects!

In fact, I have already cut one out and have it laid out for piecing, with some slight colour changes to come on the birds wing, and of course embroidery of the name etc.  I plan to give it to a dear friend and former neighbour who will be celebrating a birthday on Sunday.  I hope to finish mine today and get it in the mail on Thursday.

Then I guess your day spent surfing the crafting sites wasn't a waste of time at all...
Following your heart and creating something nice for someone else is never a waste of time. 

Well done!
Thank You... 

1 comment:

  1. Dale, your blog post made me smile. I love your blog. Now that I've signed up for the updates, I come here nearly every day. Your mug rug is darling. I've never heard of them before.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...