Tuesday, March 29, 2016


It is finally gonna warm up again outside.  Today it is supposed to be 11C or warmer- so I am getting ready to head outside and start raking the front yard.

There are still flower beds out there that I have never gotten to with a rake or a pair of shears or even a spade - all of the above will be needed eventually, but for now a rake will do.

It's a good time to take a walk along the hedge, and around the trees and shrubs and check out the branches, and if I was real brave, perhaps I would do some serious pruning on the Plum tree - and I might tackle that as well, but today is all about the ground!b

In the meantime, with my time being spend building the island all weekend I really wanted to spend some time in my craft room yesterday so I headed up early after breakfast and started on a small quilt for my new island.

Since it is supposed to be a country kitchen, I decided to try something with a country image.  I found a picture of a barn in a colouring book and used that as my starting point.  It might be entirely possible that I am getting a tad carried away with the detail in this project, but that's me.  Here's what I have cut so far...  I know my silo looks a little off, but it is not sewn down - I will straighten it before I sew it.  I am going to try and dot some sheep up on the green hill on one side, and maybe sew a crop on the other, using some embroidery, and perhaps a tall spruce tree or two will be growing somewhere - we will see...

But for now, I am heading out to rake... no doubt my mind will be on this piece while I am out there raking... perhaps a fantastic idea will come to mind... or maybe my mind will completely change and I will start all over again - nothing is sewn but the back ground so anything is possible...

Enjoy your day!


  1. Dale, you are very artistic, and I love reading about your projects and your crafting things!

  2. I happen to know you are a pretty creative woman yourself - we are blessed to have our talents! Thank You for following, Loretta!



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...