Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Today it is eight months since we moved into our home in the country.  I can't believe we are only four months away from being here a year.  In many ways it feels as if we have lived here always, and in many other ways we feel like the greenhorns I am sure we still are.

We still are asking the locals so many questions.  Who cuts trees?  We don't have a tiller - who tills gardens?  Where do we buy this, where do we get that?  How does this work, who do we call for that?  Everyone just smiles and helps us with our questions and if they can't help, they get a different name to us, somewhere in the conversation.

Still in all, I believe we are doing fairly well for city slickers!  Perhaps the true test of our grit will come this spring, when so many things will have to be done in a relatively short time.  Maybe then we will see if we have bit off more than we can chew!

I have a tendency to want it all at once - and living here is no exception.  My to do list is long and probably nowhere near possible - but still I am going to try and get to the bottom of that list.

I am pretty pleased with progress inside the house.  Over the winter we have managed to paint the entire main floor except for our bedroom and the main floor bathroom.  I would do those rooms too - but I am not quite sure how I want to decorate them, so they will stay the way they are, until I do.

Now we are the home stretch in the basement.  Gary turned his office into a theater, I finished the guest room except for pictures and some added touches, and we are on the second coat of the family room... Progress!

My attic space - will I ever be settled in that space, I wonder?  Just when I like it - I start to re-plan the space.  This past weekend it got a complete overhaul, again - all because I found a nice big wooden door that I could use as a cutting table for my quilt projects...

The dolls moved down the space and now occupy the last 1/3 of the attic and my crafting space takes up 2/3 of the rest of it.  Now if I could only settle down and do some work - then I would really be doing something!  Isn't this an amazing space?  Sometimes I really need to pinch myself!

My cousin has been instructing me on the technique of paper piecing - and so I am going to plow headlong into that bookshelf quilt that I have wanted to start for some time.  It is done with a lot of strip scraps (of which I have a few) so I can start piecing some of the book blocks until I can get to a fabric store for the rest of the material to complete the quilt.

I even cleaned my desk area - no excuse not to spend time writing or editing photography now!

It is rainy here this morning, pouring really - crazy weather for March 15th - so now I am off to do some serious baking...

Until later...

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