Thursday, April 25, 2013

Leaving No Stone Un-painted!

I am still thinking about that little video I posted a couple of days ago.  It has opened up my mind to some new crafting possibilities, which is quite refreshing, as I have become quite stagnant craft-wise, of late.

Other than the dish cloths and doll shoes I have been making, I have done very little crafting in the month of April - and that bugs me, because I always have something on the go.  It's what I do - it's who I am!

So this little burst of inspiration could not have come at a better time.

How fortunate am I that last fall I decided to store some of my yard decorations in my vinyl patio bench instead of the shed - fortunate because the bench is right outside my back door on the patio, and the shed is still not accessible because of the very deep snow on the path leading to it.

I was looking for a pot to start some annual seeds yesterday, and I came across some Gnome houses I had made a few years ago from rocks.  Well what do you know -I actually have a start on some Fairy Gardens and didn't even know it!

Here is one that sits in my garden every summer.  It is quite faded, but can be repainted - and now WILL be repainted and re purposed  in a Fairy or Gnome garden.

This one has never made it outside.  It sits by the front door on the floor and is used as a door stop from time to time.

I have more in the shed - some smaller, some larger, I even have a barn... most are going to need repainting before I use them... I made all these years ago when I was in my rock painting stage of crafting.

I will need to take a trip out to the farm and visit the huge rock pile in my cousin's pasture where there are perfect smooth rocks just right for making Gnome houses - that will have to wait until summer is really here and calving is over and done with - and wood tick season is past!  As it is the cattle in that pasture don't take kindly to a city-slicker combing their rock piles.  For sure I won't be visiting while babies are being born!

I have all kinds of ideas for my Fairy gardens but I think I will start with a couple of small projects and see how it goes.  For me the challenge will come in finding the plants.  Our location does not lend itself to a lot of variety of plants such as the kind used for these gardens, but there are a few varieties such as Creeping Thyme,  Wall cress, some smaller junipers and mosses, that might work well for this climate.

I can't wait to get started on this great summer project.  No doubt this will turn into another venture of collecting and creating and designing - OH how fun!

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