Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Come on Spring!

The wonderful little video about the Fairy Gardens yesterday really put me in the gardening mood.  That mood has been a little late in reaching me - but then so has spring.

But we are finally starting to see some progress with spring.  Remember how the snow completely filled my yard to to top of the fence a month ago?

Well here it is now... This was taken yesterday afternoon.

As you can see there still is a fair amount of snow to melt, and a lot of my perennials are lying under that pile of white stuff.

We have not yet made it out of the 30's (F) but apparently by Friday we are supposed to reach the 60's!  
That will give this last bit of snow the heave-ho, I'm thinking.

In the meantime, my beautiful fur baby has been enjoying the patio a bit more.  She doesn't mind the cool air, and loves to sit out in the sun and sniff the air.  Of course the squirrels are out tempting and teasing her so there is quite a bit of running back and forth and barking as well.  A month from now, she won't even care if a squirrel is nearby - but right now they are fair game!

I have a lot of work to do in my gardens this spring.  I have been developing my perennial gardens for the past 15 years and this is the year that a lot of things are getting torn out and given away or moved to another location.  One of the big moves will be my explorer rose.  Not looking forward to moving that monster, but it has to be done.

Once all the tearing and moving is done, I think I will add some fairy gardens here and there in the already established perennials.  My garden is very visible in this walking neighbourhood.  I often have groups of people leaning over my fence enjoying the plants - imagine how much a fairy garden would add to everyones enjoyment.... especially the aged in wheelchairs from the nursing home across the street - they will love something like that!

So come on Spring - give us some heat so we can get on with our gardening plans...  My gloves are ready, my tools are out and leaning against the fence, all I need to see is a bit more ground, and I'll be good to go.

We can't wait, can we girl?

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