Tuesday, May 1, 2018


A big hello to new visitors to my blog.  So happy you have checked in to follow my beautiful Walk with the Lambs series.  The story continues today with A WALK WITH THE SHEEP, and will end tomorrow with A WALK WITH FRIENDS. 

For those of you joining me for the first time, please come again - I'd love to hear from you!

Oh - and Happy First Day of May Everyone!


Without the sheep, there would be no lambs and although our time with these animals was relaxing and fun - it was not quiet.  Our arrival was met with much enthusiasm... take a look and a listen to the symphony that greeted us last Friday evening!


Even though Gary and I were complete strangers to the sheep, they all came running when we entered their paddock.  They were very interested in us, pushing up against us, nudging us,  really just wanting a rub on the head or a scratch behind the ears.

Our friends have several different breeds of sheep, and it was interesting to learn the differences in the breeds.  The quality of the fleece is the biggest difference, something very important to a wool producer - but the animals themselves really vary in many ways.

In their own way, the adult sheep are just as photogenic as the lambs...

This Ewe looked me square in the eyes, as if to say "City girl... I see right through you!"  I love her sassy look.

 And then this one - so very different looking from all the rest.

This sweet little Ewe was watching me  - so very interested in what I was doing with that black thing up by my face.  She watched me from this side of the bale...

and still wasn't sure, so checked from the other side of the bale as well!

Wish I knew what her conclusion was...

And then there is Nibbles - This beautiful elderly Ewe.

She just captured my heart - and she really Wowed the camera.  

Here she is in colour... 

These sheep and their lambs are all part of a family farm known as Tall Spruce Farm.  If you are on Facebook and want to follow Diana and her farm adventures you can find her under her Tall Spruce Farm account on Facebook, or you can also find her at tallsprucefarm.com.
Diana sells her wool, she also spins and sells her wool yarn.  If you are looking for beautiful quality wool to make that special project for yourself or for a gift - look no further.
As if she hasn't enough to do Diana also makes soap, and sells that as well.

What a blessing these animals are, to look at, to be around, and to wear the wool they grow on their backs.

Thanks for letting me in your pen, ladies...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that video clip! I guess our girls ARE kind of loud...we don't even notice it!



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...