Wednesday, May 9, 2018


I really feel like I am not accomplishing anything this week.  My spring allergies hit me over the weekend, and try as I might, I just can't be outside until I get them better under control.

Such a pain...

But I did use that time to be a bit creative with something that I dreamt up at the last minute.

My little piano student was having a birthday - turning 8 yrs old, and so I decided to make him a book mark, as he is such a great little reader.

I couldn't figure out what to make him, so decided to go with the piano teacher  in me and stitch him a piano keyboard - sort of a visual piano he could look at and think of his lessons, maybe even use as a tool to learn the names of the notes with as well.

So I got out some graph paper and drew out my design and started working on it.

For a simple piece it took an awful lot of stitching, and I will admit that I really missed my daylight lamp ( which is currently being used on plants upstairs, especially stitching the white keys!

But I got it done in time for his party, and he was delighted with it, as he also got three chapter books from his parents, and now has his own book mark!

How's that for teacher's intuition!

For a special treat, I developed a photo of Chip peeking out of his bed and framed it for his room... and that was even better than the book mark, I am told.

Who says you have to give expensive and extravagant gifts!  Most kids don't need that - think it's the parents who expect it, not always the kids.

My Mom used to say children could have just as much fun with pots and lids as they could with toys, and she was right... well young children anyway!

Because I still wasn't feeling up to working outside yesterday,  I designed a new mug rug for a special birthday, which should have been in the mail a couple of weeks ago. 

My plan was to work outside today, but once again the wind is gusting and the dust is really flying, so I guess that means I will be staying inside and finishing the projects I started indoors yesterday.

And I will find you a really good recipe for tomorrow!

See you then!

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