Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Well Hello, everyone - welcome back!

I hope everyone has been keeping well, and enjoying all that spring can bring?

I have to say, our spring seemed to jump straight into summer.  The month of May has been so hot and dry, it feels more like July than May.  I started planting my vegetable garden in soil that was so dry, I doubted anything would come up.  And it didn't...

But - we had rain last Friday evening - about 2 inches of rain and almost overnight things started happening in the yard!

Grass that looked dead, suddenly turned green and started to grow.  Trees that were struggling to get their leaves out, just popped with beautiful bright green leaves overnight.  All of a sudden all was alive!

I finished planting my garden yesterday, and I can finally see some things coming through the ground from when I first started to plant almost 2 weeks ago.

Such is nature - reminding us once again who really is in control!

I have made so many changes to my main garden this year that I have had to draw pictures and journal every move I have made.  I journal anyway, but this year is really an experiment.

I did do what I said I was going to do - I planted according to the moon's cycle.... everything except the beets.  I just couldn't bare to prolong any more planting for a few more days - just had to get it all in - so we will see if it makes any difference.

Here are a few pictures of my back yard as of this morning!

It's very hard to get the whole garden plot into one picture, because of it's L shape - here's the best I can do.  This year the main vegetable garden is the large bit to the right, and the other part to the left is my tea and Apothecary garden.  I'm so happy the grass seems to be rebounding, last week at this time it was pretty much dead looking.

I am trying some vertical growing this year.  I have never done this before, so this area is one of my experiments.  I have two frames for Joe's Sweet Pea garden, then the next row is cucumbers ( where the white circles are)  and beyond that as you can see in the next picture is another row, where I have a drying bean planted that likes to climb.  We will see how this works.  Joe's sweet peas are just popping through the ground - they will take off like crazy, especially if we get more rain and heat.

This next picture is the other part of the L.  This is where I have planted my tea garden and Apothecary plants.  This too is an experiment.  I hope this works out because I really want to get into growing my own herbal tea and herbs for things like skin oils, balms etc.

I also started my new position with the Post Office.  So every evening after supper I walk downtown and do my work, and then come home again.  Our evenings are the most beautiful time of the day.  It's so quiet (except for the birdsong and lately the odd lawnmower).  Our skies are gorgeous, lots of colours in our sunsets, and I just love evening shadows.

I snapped this with my phone on my walk home the other evening.  See what I mean... doesn't that just make you want to sigh!  It does me!  That little blue haze at the back of the picture between the trees are the Riding Mountains, they sort of wrap around us here in our little town.

I still have so much to do in the front garden - I really haven't even started that one yet - but more about that next time.

Take Care everyone - till next time!

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 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...