Tuesday, May 8, 2018


I  hope everyone is getting a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful spring days, before things like mosquitoes appear and ruin our time outside.  Yesterday it was a whopping 30C here in our little corner of the world.  Quite the surprise, and quite unwelcome, actually.  We need rain, not extreme heat - but we are not in control, so guess we take what we get.

Gary and I have been spending quite a bit of every day outside working in the yard.  That's mostly my fault.  I  have dreamt up so many projects for the yard over the winter, and I am determined to see them all done.

I am sort of working all over at once, but poor Gary has been slugging, and I mean slugging it out with a sledgehammer and determination, removing a brick planter that ran the entire length of the front of our house.

Yes, that's it - ugly and boring, isn't it?  I took this right after the snow melted in March that's why the grass looks so dead.  Nothing grew in this narrow West facing brick flower bed.  The bed did nothing for the front of the house, and nothing for the plants that tried to grow in it, so I wanted it gone.

Little did we know that every layer is mortared together with cement and as if that wasn't enough to keep it secure, there is also rebar running through each and every layer and brick!

So yes, it was a miserable task to get it off.  Not much was selvaged in this project, I'm afraid.

While Gary was slugging away,  I got busy and cut away almost 2 feet of grass to extend the bed wider, and I have been digging ever since!

What a ton of work - I am not quite to the end of the mess, but already I can see a huge difference in the look of the house.

Because our house is long and flat, I want to add some depth with small shrubs.  A Peony for sure - I have my eye on the double magenta-red blooms of the Felix Crousse Peony.  I would like a Nine Bark beside the stairs in the corner - love the colour they bring to any place they stand, and maybe a Hydrangea or   Kodiak Orange Bush Honeysuckle.  And a couple of perennials, and some annuals.

You wouldn't believe what that all looks like in my mind!

But - work in progress - so I'd better get back to work.

Till later...

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