Monday, April 11, 2016


We had a crazy weekend.  The craziness started on Friday morning, when I went into the bathroom to wash my hands.   When I shut the tap off, all of a sudden the pipes in the sink and toilet started shaking and pounding and making a horrible noise - and the water wasn't even on.

Gary rushed in and turned the water line off coming into the bathroom and then turned it back on again, and everything seemed fine - until he went downstairs.

I don't know what made him go into the closet in the spare room where the water meter is, but I am so very happy he did - a main pipe had burst and water was shooting everywhere.

We put a call into the plumber - (who think we need to put on speed dial - we have called him so much of late)-he came and replaced the pipe, flushed out the system, and all was fixed.

Saturday morning we got up early - I was on a mission to finish painting the basement family room and get that all put back together again before nice weather hits - and when I went into the bathroom - there was no water.

About an hour later there was a trickle, so I quickly washed my hair and had a bath and just as I was finishing the water went out again.

This was the big weekend in our town.  The Maple Syrup Festival was going on in venues all over town, and also at the Country Club across the highway and a little up the mountain.  When we called the emergency number for the Municipality we were told that there was a major water main break, and the whole town was without water.

We were without water all day until just before supper time.

And then there was the Snow!  We had the second and maybe even the third and fourth Alberta Clipper pass through here since late last week, and the strong gusty winds to go with it.  Thankfully most of the snow melted as it hit the ground.  Except the stuff that fell overnight last night.  We woke up to bright sunshine this morning - and everything covered in white!

And it's cold out there too,  This is more February weather, than April!  So much for the idea of spring!

I have plenty of inside work, so I went back to my painting project in the basement family room - it is looking pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.  I can't wait to decorate that space, and hopefully, finally, we will be inclined to sit a spell in our cozy pretty room!

I also found a few minutes to make a Doily Doll.  I had seen one on Pinterest awhile ago and saved it to my doll board, and then forgot about it.  I was browsing through there on Saturday morning, saw it again, and decided to make one of my own.  First I had to crochet a doily - which I did...

Here is my first little Doily Doll.  There are a couple of things I might do differently the next time, but for a first effort, I think I can be pleased with her.

Saturday marked a full month without my Molly.  I realized that I have not gone for a walk since she has been gone.  Today I am starting back on my walks - gonna take my camera along to talk to as I walk - or maybe I will just talk to myself ( wouldn't be the first time).  Molly would want me to get walking - we enjoyed our walking time together so much - but it has become the one thing I have avoided since she has been gone.  I might have to wear those snow boots - but I will be walking today.

So time to get this day started!  Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Oops...water issues are not good! Yikes. And snow on top of it all! You poor woman. But you have a lot to keep you busy and I love your doily doll!



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...