Thursday, January 28, 2016


I think I went to sleep in January and woke up in March!  Seriously - it is so warm the snow is melting and we have ice puddles everywhere this morning.  Yesterday we had a bit of rain, a bit of snow and a lot of wind, and there are many places in the yard where the snow is completely gone and all I see is grass and flowerbeds.

As nice as the thought is that spring is near - I don't think this is healthy for Manitoba to be so warm this early in the year!  I gladly accept the warmer temperatures, but perhaps not quite this warm - for now!

Happy to report I finally finished painting the living room yesterday.  It looks so good now.  I am in the process of hanging pictures and arranging things in there, and then I will take a picture.

I also received my photo print that I had sent for processing, and I am not really happy with it.  It is a black and white image of an old school house.  On my computer it looked just perfect, but the actual printed image is too dark for my liking.  I have it framed, but I think I am going to resend the file again with the colour version of this photo and see if I like that better.  I have a different black and white of a snow scene that I might also send and see how that turns out.

This is a new process for me, so hopefully in future I will be able be a better judge of the unprinted piece before I send it for print.

In the meantime, we went into Neepawa on Tuesday which is about 35 minutes from here.  Neepawa is a lovely town, much larger than ours with a lot of retail shops and restaurants.  We go there once a month or so to get Molly's dog food.  She eats a particular food that can only be found in the larger centers.  The drive there was beautiful - the sun was out,  the temperatures were mild, the roads were clear.  I slipped my little Canon PowerShot in my purse - just in case I saw something to snap.

I hardly ever use this little camera anymore now that I have my big Nikon - don't know why I even took it this time, but I did snap a few pictures as we drove.  Here is one that I really like - it turned out pretty good considering we were moving along at 100km.

Isn't that a pretty winter scene?

As we left Neepawa for home the clouds rolled in and by the time we were on the highway the wind started.  It was a totally different drive home.  The wind was causing ground drifting and the highway was snow packed with ice for most of the drive home.

About 10 miles from home, the sun came out, the highways were dry again, and it was just as nice as when we left home in the morning.  

And so it goes with living with the mountain.  The weather changes several times a day on any given day, - but  right here, in our little village,  it is almost perfect each and every day!

Talk to you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Dale, the pic is lovely and I love the name "Neepawa" which I assume is an Indian name. I adore Indian names and am glad we have so many places around here with them.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...