Thursday, January 21, 2016


I am impressed with myself, somehow I have managed to paint all day, make meals, walk the dog and still manage to snatch a few minutes to write a post for my blog.

Truth be told, I had help yesterday.  Gary took over the roller so I could concentrate on the fine detail stuff around windows, doors baseboards and the ceilings.  Together we accomplished much.

Yeah - and meals were a bust too... Gary made grilled cheese sandwiches and mushroom soup for lunch and we had leftover hamburger soup for supper ( it tasted much better the second day).

So what am I crowing about?  Nothing - just wanted to let you know that I had help!

Happy to report the sun room is done, all the furniture and Chip are back in there and it looks beautiful.  Now the living room looks awful in comparison, and I want to get started in there this morning, but my arm is telling me no - take a day off, so I will be good and listen and spend the day working in the studio and resume painting the living room on the weekend.

I have my living room inspiration arriving in the mail next week- I finally had one of my own photos printed to hang on the wall - I am so excited to see it framed and up on the wall - but I won't hang it until the walls are all painted!

Speaking of pictures - isn't the new picture on my banner funny?   That pole with that birdhouse stands in my back yard at the very edge of my property behind the garden.  I love the birdhouse, I am sure it was made by a child, as it has the look of something made with eager, if not inexperienced hands.  There are even pieces of shingle on the roof.  I wouldn't change a thing about it, and it will stay where it is as long as we live here.

The thing that always makes me smile is the pulley below the house.  My writer's brain conjures up a story for that pulley being there, - you know something like Mama Robin needing a line to air out her nest...

When I got my head out of my own story and started to open my eyes on my walks around town, I noticed that almost every yard had a clothes line... and better yet - they were being used!

So where is the other pulley for Mama Robin's line? It's nowhere, and furthermore that pulley is so high - only a bird could reach it!

But then I was walking through the most amazing store I have ever been in - in Laurier Manitoba.  There lying on a shelf all wrapped in plastic is the other pulley and yards of line for Mama Robin's clothesline!

I just got to make this happen  - for Mama Robin!

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