Thursday, December 10, 2015


Since I published one Christmas Poem here this week, I thought I would add another one I wrote a couple of years ago.  Perhaps more sceptical sounding than the last one, but I was thinking of a sceptical person when I wrote it.

Not everyone believes the Christmas Story - I get that, and maybe even understand it on a certain level - but I believe it did happen, and in my heart it IS the Greatest Story Ever Told!


Forgotten is the little babe,

Born so long ago;

And the story that surrounds his birth,
Is one some folks don’t know.

The story says some angels came,

To tell about the child;

I guess to our rich cyber world,
This tale appears quite wild.

Three wise men came, or were they kings?

And did they travel far?

How come they walked alone at night,
And followed some bright star?

About that star that shone so bright;

How did it know just where,

The tiny newborn kid would lay;
And who’d it think would care?

Upon a pile of hay it’s told,

The baby’s crib was made.

With animals there, enclosed within,
A barn is where they stayed.

A virgin Mom, a dirt-poor Dad,

And yet they had a King.

They say he came to earth for me;
Whoever heard of such a thing?

I wasn’t even here as yet,

Nor was my family tree.

How’d he know we’d come in time,
How’d he know about me?

They tell me that he loved me then,

And that he loves me still;

Baby Jesus came to fill my heart,
I pray he always will.

However you believe this story goes,

Its one tale always told;

By those with truth and faith and love,
In wondrous pageant bold.

Repeated new each year that comes,

Great story; same great end.

The greatest story ever told,
The greatest story penned.

Dale Graumann


I am trying to find an early Poem of mine about a snowflake... it was done long before the days of computers and hard drives, and is in a three ring binder somewhere in this house.  I still have boxes that are unpacked in one of my spare closets - what do you want to bet it is in there? Hopefully I will find it soon.

In the meantime, remember the Christmas Swap I participated in with my Craft Buddies on the Internet?  Well my dear friend and fellow fibre artist, spinner, weaver... Charlotte got my name in the draw.  She made me this gorgeous warm woven scarf done on her Cricket loom. 

The theme of the swap was anything Winter or Christmas related, the choice was ours to make.  I got my friend Sue's name.  Sue is a painter and she also does a lot of Crochet and other crafts as well.  I decided I wanted to make her something that I knew she would never make herself - so I made her Little Snowflake.

Snowflake was really hard to photograph, she really sparkles and glimmers., but you can't really see it in this picture.

We also had to include a recipe along with our swap item.  Mine was for Peppermint fudge.

Come back tomorrow and I will have this very easy and quick fudge recipe here for you...

Till then....

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