Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let it Snow!

There is a very good possibility that we are going to get our first big snowfall of the season this weekend.  The predictions at the beginning of the week were for 30cm or more, but now that has dropped to 15cm.  Darn and Drat!

It has been awhile since Winnipeg had a significant blizzard, and I for one, are in a mood to be house-bound for a few days.

I love the snow, everyone rolls their eyes at me, but I do love the snow.  Just to clarify - I'm not crazy about severe cold weather - I just love snow.  So 15 cm sounds good - 30 would be even better!

My craft room has a huge big window which is never covered because there are dolls all over the sill and a bunch standing on a trunk looking out.  I love this window, because even though I look out to the house next door, what I really see is a pretty garden in the summer, and beautiful clean white, undisturbed snow in the winter.

Neither my neighbour nor us use that area between the houses in the winter so it stays so pretty all winter long.  The snow piles naturally in the garden.  The birds are often sitting in the shrubs and plants that are left sticking out of the snow, and it is so peaceful and so very pretty to look at.  The other night I was in there and it was snowing huge big fat flakes that were coming down and catching on the plants.  They melted right away but they were all glittery as they fell, and it was so pretty to watch.

So that's what I want for this weekend.  I am inclined to be more creative when Mother Nature gives me a firm nudge. 

Even so, I am gaining some momentum without her nudge.  I finished another knitting project last night while listening to the Election Coverage.  I just might get that Christmas list completed in time this year.

I promise to take some pictures this weekend.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

1 comment:

  1. I love the snow as well . My windows are covered but I love to open them up and watch all those grand snowflakes falling and soon the snow starts sticking and making small mounds. :)

    We've had our first snowfall because of Hurricane sandy however I really want some of the Wintery type snow-you know the ones where its not freezing cold and one can get out and enjoy it. Certainly hope you get your snow.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...