Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where have all the Yarn Stores gone?

Long time passing?
Where have all the Yarn Stores gone, long time ago?
Where have all the Yarn stores gone?
Young girls passed them everyone.
Oh, how will they ever learn?
Oh, how will they ever learn?

I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me at home yesterday after work.  Remember that Mary Maxim baby ensemble I ordered last Thursday?  Yep - it arrived yesterday!

Wow is that excellent service or what?  Less than three working days to have something shipped from Ontario!  How come other companies can't do that?  It is a big package. -  12 balls of yarn (6 of each color) which I'm sure is actually going to be too much for the three projects, but maybe not... and the pattern all in a zippered plastic container with a handle.  Now that's classy. 

I certainly could have not gotten this much of this quality of yarn in any store around here, so it was a good deal. 

I used to order a lot of stuff from Mary Maxim - and I have never ever had a problem with either their merchandise or their service.

Certainly with reliable yarn stores disappearing and the department stores selling less and less yarn - this is a reliable and reasonable alternative.

Remember the days when every large department store had wool and yarn, and needlepoint kits?  In my stash of yarn I still have the odd ball of yarn inherited from Mom's stash from Sears, Eaton's and the Bay.  The Bay had wonderful wools and yarns... well that was quite some time ago, but still we who love to knit, crochet and stitch are pretty much reduced to ordering from mail order or online places to get our supplies.

The same can be said for material.  We used to be able to by material in many stores - now, here in Winnipeg we are down to one general Material outlet, and quilt shops. It is pathetic, really, but I guess that is the sign of the times - for every material/yarn/craft store that has gone by the wayside - 20 electronic stores have opened!  That is our new reality!

Perhaps instead of knitting with needles some of us should be devising a method whereby we can design, create and make a garment on the computer - and press SEND - to a knitting machine attached to the computer - and  - well yeah - you guessed it... 20 minutes later you have a perfect product knitted by a machine -

Remember - you heard about it HERE first!

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