Friday, August 10, 2018


Here it is - another week almost gone, and Friday is upon us once again.

It is only me that thinks the weeks are just flying by so quickly?

I sense a change in the season coming.  Yes, it is still really hot, and summer seems to still be in full swing, but there is a difference to summer now.  It is dying, not thriving.

All the vegetation is slowing down, some dying back completely.  Vegetable gardens are getting smaller, and the pile of vegetable plants at the dump is getting higher.

The trees are not as full and green as they were even a week ago - and even the birds are quieter.  I seldom hear a Robin singing early in the morning anymore - in fact, I can't say when the last time I heard a Robin sing - and they are still here, they are just quiet now.  Maybe they have nothing to sing about - after all they are facing a long journey in a few weeks time - maybe they are saving all the energy they can for their long flight south for the winter.

Along our drives out of town, crops are being cut down and harvested.  If anything signals the end of the growing season for us here, that surely does.  This is a busy time for farmers, and I wish them all sunny days and dry evenings and nights so they can get their crops harvested in optimal conditions.  I wish them bumper crops, and an economy that will allow them to sell their crops so they can continue to provide food for the world for another year to come.

I am harvesting tomatoes from vines that are all but dead.  I picked some this morning, and will most likely be picking every day for the next few days until they are all finished.  I won't have much of a harvest, but we will have the opportunity to enjoy fresh tomatoes for awhile.  There are not enough to can or freeze this year, so we will eat them fresh, and be thankful.  I did notice that some of them have some hail damage on them from last Friday's storm.

The cherry tomatoes are so good this year - somehow the flavour has really improved with the heat.  I keep a bowl on the counter, and we snack on them all day long.  Better than candy, they are!

This morning I also whipped together a simple drying rack for my onions - which are really small this year - but I have used a few and they are awesome strong!   I have not pulled many yet, but now that I have a rack, I can start pulling the ones that need to be pulled.  Eventually I would like to hang the drying rack permanently in the shed or garage, but for now it's just propped up in the garage.

I hope to spend the majority of this very hot weekend working in the studio.  I mailed off a few orders this week, including the one for The Gypsy Traders shop in Selkirk.

Here is the completed gypsy mug rug, I ended up sending them.

 I kind of love how she turned out.  Not sure how many people would want one, but I might make a few more sometime.

In the meantime I have 11 assorted mug rugs to make as gifts for family for next month, so I will try and get those done this weekend.

So be safe everyone, enjoy the upcoming weekend, and we will catch up next week.

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