Friday, April 27, 2018


This week has been a bit of an Anniversary for me.  It was eight years ago that I wrote my first ever blog post.

I have put a label on it, so if you want to read it you can find it under,  My First Blog Post Ever.

I can't really remember why I decided to start my own blog, but it all started with a planned trip to Chicago.

Eight years ago, Gary was pretty much blind.  His Mother was in a nursing home, failing quite quickly, so it was decided that we should go and see her.  I took vacation, we packed the van, and headed off down to Chicago from Winnipeg, with me as the only driver and Gary pretty much unable to help me with any aspect of navigation at all.

We had gorgeous weather all the way there and back, except for one little rain shower in Wisconsin on the way down.  We stayed several days in Chicago visiting Mom and the rest of our family, and then stopped in Janesville Wisconsin and stayed a few days more with Aunt Margaret.

It was a trip I will never forget for many reasons.  It was the last time we would ever see Mom again, and as it turned out, it was to be the last time I ever saw Aunt Margaret as well.

When we got home, I penned this poem as my way of de-stressing a very long drive -  and writing this last sentence makes me realize why I started my blog in the first place. 

Writing has always been my outlet for so many things.  I write to de-stress, I write when I'm happy, I write when I'm sad.
I have always been comfortable writing my thoughts, more so than speaking them.

Writing is like music to me - it takes me on a journey where I get to choose the outcome. 

And so I write...

Thank You all for reading my journey!

I hope you enjoy!

Ode to a Freeway

I’m heading down the road today,
On my way to parts unknown.
A couple of days of driving south,
Perhaps I should have flown?

Wide open Dakota prairie,
Sure gives me false bravo.
Can I handle big city freeways?
Well; only God can know!

Before I know it’s on me.
Two lanes; now turned to five.
Oh cripes, the traffic’s horrid;
It’s scaring me alive!

Oh peace the hills of cheese land,
For green is all I see.
Bovine, and grass and silo’s tall,
A quick stop for some Brie.

The tension builds as signs appear,
Announcing Chi town’s state.
The speed is on, while traffic swells,
Our safety now is fate.

Tolls to the right, merge to the left;
I cut how many off?
Construction, semi’s, fools and such,
This drivers’ had enough!

Anger soon transpires to tears,
Add on a cuss or two.
I firmly vow to park my rig,
Yes, that’s just what I’ll do!

“Calm yourself,” Dear hubby states;
“You know we’re almost there!”
I rant and rave some more, poor guy,
Then fix him with a glare.

A few sharp turns, a stop or two;
Arrival now is near.
Relief, euphoria, joy unknown,
And finally we are there.

Don’t think about this drive again,
Says I, to only me.
Relax, enjoy and rest a bit,
Yes lady, that’s the key.

Well now I know just what I’ll do,
Next trip I plan to take.
A simple booking on a plane,
For everybody’s sake!

Dale Graumann

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