Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer 2012 - Bring it on!

Vacation season is here!  School is out today, the first long weekend of the summer is this weekend, and thankfully - the weather has turned seasonably hot!  Summer 2012 - Bring it on!

Is anyone planning a special vacation this year? 

So far I know a couple of people who have planned special trips this summer.  One couple we know are heading to NYC for a week which will include July 4th!  Can you imagine how great that would be - to be in NYC on July 4th?  The celebrations, the fireworks, the sights, the sounds... awesome!

Another couple I know are heading to Corpus Christi, Texas - to the Gulf.  Now there is something really interesting and different.  This too would be an awesome adventure.

And yet another couple are taking a road trip in their new little roadster to Beautiful British Columbia.  Thier stops will include, Banff and Camrose Alberta (heaven on earth).  Radium Hot Springs in BC - and many places between here and there.  British Columbia is rich in tourist attractions of every kind imaginable, so this trip also will be awesome!

Oh it makes me want to get in my new little VW Golf and take to the road... VROOOM, VROOOM.... opps no - that's Mazda!  But still, you get my meaning!

We plan to take in the sights and sounds and tastes of Manitoba this summer.  Day trips to the lakes, beaches and wide open prarie call us to spend our time here at home.  We'll save our big journey for another year.

Whatever you do, or wherever you go this summer - have fun, be careful, be safe, take pictures, and think about starting a journal.  Jot those special moments down on paper so you can relive them in years to come.

Summer 2012 - Bring it on!

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