Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Countdown has begun... 19 days till Christmas!

Once again I have been neglectful in my writing here.  I do have some fabulous excuses, however... if anyone is interested!

Seriously - are we all spinning our wheels and getting nowhere?  I was doing just fine in November (or so I thought) but December is another matter entirely.  I have Special Olympic Scarves that I must get done before Christmas, so they can get to where they are going (to Alberta) in time for the Olympics.  I have three done, and really hope to do 2 more.  I had originally thought I could do 10 - but I have since chopped that estimation in half.

The baby blanket has sat idle in the basket for over 2 weeks.  Last night I picked it up and made 2 more squares.  I need 42, and I have done 22, so half again... seems to be a pattern of sorts.

I have decorated my house inside and out, but now need to buy a  tree to put up sometime soon.  We have decided to get a real tree this year, and I am excited at the prospect of having the smell of pine in my home all Christmas long.  It's been a few years since we've had a real tree in our home so this will be a special treat for us all.

I sing in a traditional Cathedral-style church choir, and we are busy practicing for several special Christmas services.  We did the Advent Lessons and Carols last week, and it was beautiful.  The next big service will be the Christmas Nine Lessons and Carol service on December 18.  The music for this one is so beautiful, I can hardly wait to sing it.  We will also sing a special late-night Christmas Eve service, so by the time Christmas Day arrives I should be good and tired, if not completly hoarse!

Then there is Christmas baking to be done, cards and letters to write and send and shopping to complete.  So much to do, so little time.  Still - I have no doubt it will all get done, and in good time.  It always does, it always will - because that is the way of Christmas.

I'll be better about posting here... I hope!

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