Monday, September 13, 2010

This and That

Well this feels funny, not uploading a chapter of Winter Wheat this morning.  I got so used to doing that first thing in the morning that I think I am going to miss it, somewhat.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  We had a beautiful weekend here in Manitoba.  The sun was shining most of the weekend, the temps were just perfect, and instead of taking advantage of the beautiful days by getting out and doing some much needed garden work - I hunkered down and worked in my "studio"(my new name for my craft room).

I made a boob... yes I did say a boob, and what a delightful boob it is too.  I downloaded the free pattern off a site called  Thank you Beryl Tsang, for sharing this special pattern with us all.  If you know someone who has had a mastectomy and has problems fitting a prosthesis, you will want to point them in the direction of this site.

I took a vacation day today as Gary and I have some errands to run that can't be done after work or on weekends.  Actually what we are doing is heading down to the main police building to get him fingerprinted.  Why?

It's the most ridiculous thing...

He has joined a group of volunteer visitors in our church.  They go to hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes to visit the sick, lonely, well anybody who wants or needs a visit.  In order for him to do this he had to have a criminal records check done.  How pathetic is our society that we have come to this!  But here is the real stupid part... he sent in his paperwork for the check to be done, and received back a reply that his results were inconclusive, because they could not find his finger prints anywhere.

You think?  He was born in the USA!  He stated that on the application and sent in copies of his passport, and his citizenship and his birth certificate.  Explain to me how you can immigrate to a country without being finger printed, become a citizen of that country, without being fingerprinted, but you want to visit people in the nursing homes and hospitals and you have to be finger printed!  Well if you can figure that out, let me know!

So today we are off to get him finger printed!  Then we will do some shopping and then if it warms up a bit, I just might take a stab at that gardening..

Have a great day everyone


  1. I miss coming and reading part of your story every day. Anything else you can share with us? Have a great day off and weird about the finger prints. This world is sometimes upside down.

  2. Just back from camping, and had to wait 4 whole days to read the last part of the chapter... absolute torture. Enjoyed Winter Wheat from "cover to cover", and I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...