Sunday, May 1, 2016


What a wonderful weekend we had!   We worked so hard but it didn't matter - we were outside working in our lovely yard just plain enjoying being here in the country and being able to do all we were doing.  If this is all there is to happiness, then I guess we are there!

Friday was an exciting day for me - because it was the day I finally was able to see one of my most longed for change in the yard, finally happen.  Since we moved in the house last year, I have wanted to move our barn shed.  I didn't like where it sat next to the garage.  I don't think anyone really understood this need I had to have it moved - but I kept nagging about it  and finally Friday It was done.  After much thought and wondering how to do it - Kevin came and moved it in about 15 minutes.

getting ready to move....

Moved and levelled
 Now we are going to have a perfect space to build a patio area where we can have our BBQ and table and chairs.  Eventually I would like to build some sort of privacy screen - but that might be another year down the road.
Where are new patio will be.

Kevin also brought us 5 yards of composted top soil, and it will take every bit of it to do all we need to do on this property.

Saturday I started working on the rose bed.  Remember all the rose bushes I thought I had killed by cutting them down last fall?  They are sprouting everywhere, so I cleaned up their bed and added about 5 inches of new soil around them.  I hope they appreciate my loving care, because I am now expecting a real show of colour from all of them.

 Do you remember what this rose garden looked like last year?  Roses that looked pretty sick over-run with Hollyhocks and quack.  I left some Hollyhocks in the very back of the roses, but yanked out all the others - I have other places for Hollyhocks.

I gave my Plum and Saskatoon trees a clean around their trunks and filled them up with new soil as well.

And today I created an new flower bed along one side of my shed, where I plan to have a blue and white and yellow show of colour.

So, yes - a very productive weekend, and looking forward to more of the same this week.

We also met some more neighbours, I applied for a casual position with Canada Post at the Post Office, ( I start my other job and the library tomorrow) and we topped it off tonight with an incredible supper of Crock-pot baked ham, and all the fixings.  

Ahhhh... such is life - such a good life!


  1. Excuse me ma'am but is that shed for sale?....j/ I must admit the shed looks just dropped off in it's new location. Good luck with the new job and with getting the other job as well. Keep up the happiness my friend.

  2. Thank You Dee... Remember, there is a bed in the nook of the craft room just waiting for a visit from a crafter... 2.5 hrs away!



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...