Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I have been side-lined most of this week with a really painful flare up of my good ole Plantar Fascitis.  It hits me once in awhile and I stay off my feet for a bit and it goes away.  Well not this time - I have been pretty much imobile for the past couple of days, and no amount of rest and pain meds seem to be helping.

I am pretty frustrated with it - I have yard work that needs doing before winter, I have dolls to clean and get out of the garage before winter, I have more painting in the house I want to do... I can't even walk the dog at the moment, and she is objecting strongly every chance she gets.  Makes for one crabby woman, I tell you!

So I have been reading; doing some writing, crocheting, stitching, and working on cleaning my new, old spinning wheel.

I actually found a can of Scott's Liquid Gold at a tiny little hardware store over in the next town.

 Do you know about this stuff? Here is the website for it:

 My mother used this on her wood furniture for years, in fact up until only a couple of years ago, I still had her can of Liquid Gold ( she has been gone 31 yrs)!  If you have antique furniture or pieces with solid wood, this is the cleaner and protector you want to use.

The wood on the spinning wheel was so dry that it was actually grey!  I was a bit afraid that maybe the wheel was so old and dry it would be brittle and break.

Well - bring out the Liquid Gold - you should see the transformation.

I'll show you the transformation - Lucky for you I work slowly!

I have cleaned the bench portion now starting on the wheel, you can see the difference in the wood already.

Going from Grey to a beautiful red colour.  I know very little about wood, but I think this may be Maple.

Spokes not touched yet.

I am still in the process of cleaning the wood.  The wood is soaking up the Liquid Gold, but also removing the dirt.  The rag is black with dirt removed from the wood, so a new rag will be used for the second coat.  The second coat, will be left on for a few minutes and then I will buff with a clean rag.  From experience I know the wood will just glow.  I have seen it on other pieces I have used this product on.

For now I am taking my time, enjoying getting to know my wheel and feeling very happy and satisfied to bring the wood back to life!  A perfect project for one who can't stand on her feet, don't you think?

There is something to be said for sitting in a sunny room with soft tunes playing, and restoring a piece such as this to it's former glory.  I love this retirement life - my, it is rewarding in a way I never dreamed possible!


  1. It does my heart good to know that you are so happy..with your retirement, the move, your new home, new friends, etc. I wish you continued happiness my friend xox

  2. Thank You, Dee...
    It has been a good move, but I do miss my friends back in the Peg. Come and see me some weekend when you are bored and needing something different to do...



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...