Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Last month I was telling you about the red work embroidery I was doing.  I was just finishing up this little piece when a craft group that I belong to decided to have a fall swap, so I started another one... this one...

I decided to make it into a small wall hanging, and this is how it turned out.

  I didn't have a pattern, I just sewed until I had something I liked.  It was a fun project.  It went to Texas and my swap partner loved it.  I am not an expert quilter - I am a wanna be someday quilter.  Small pieces like this give me hope that one day I can tackle something more substantial, but until then the practice on these smaller pieces is fun.

The woman who got my name as her recipient sent me these items.  A set of candy corn hand warmers and a gorgeous cowl - both items that will soon be worn as the mornings get cooler.  I have every intention of copying the cowl pattern and making a few more in a variety of colours.  They would make great gifts  (and she has given me permission to do so).
There are a lot of cowl patterns out there, but I really like this one because it is not as bulky as some I have seen.  You can wear this and still close the neck of your coat or jacket, and that is important here in this climate.

Thank You, Sue - I will get a lot of use from both these items.

So now Sue is organizing our soon to start Christmas swap.  I can't wait.  The ideas are flowing but I will have to wait and see who of my friends name I get before I can make my final decision on what to make.  Always nice to send, always nice to receive.

I have talked about this group of crafters many times before here on my blog.  We have never met, but have known each other for a long time - many years!  We all came together years ago on a forum in the early days of Internet, and we have been close friends ever since.

Over the years we have weathered much together, several members have lost spouses and family members in the time we have known each other; some of us have suffered serious illness, heartache  and we have stuck by one another.  We have also celebrated life's good times together... marriages, graduations - births.  This group means the world to me, and I treasure these friends with every fibre of my being.

More and more now one or more of us mention the idea of trying to get together, even if just for one time to meet in person, which would be an emotional but wonderful thing, if we could pull it off somehow.  We are scattered all across this continent.  It would be difficult - but it would be something none of us would ever forget.

I hope we can make it happen some day...

So - here's to my beloved Craft Buddies...
 Like Carol always says, " Love you to the moon, and back!" 

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