Monday, July 9, 2012

Back I go!

Remember I was telling you about the book I left behind at the thrift store?  Well it just bugged me that I had been so careless, so I decided to go back and see if it was still there.  Actually I also wanted to check out the doll section, as we left in such a hurry the day before that I hadn't quite finished my usual tour of the store.

So back we went early Saturday morning before it got too hot out.  The book was right where I had set it down - guess they don't do a whole lot of straightening up in that store...  I backtracked to make sure there was nothing added to the craft section and then headed to the doll section.

There was the usual stuff - lots of Barbies and Bratz and a few larger dolls.  I was digging through the pile, and pulled on a pair of feet and out came a pretty 18" doll in really great shape, with all the original clothing except shoes.  I picked her up, put her down, picked her up, put her down and then decided to take her home.  I didn't think she was highly collectible - but she did look like she needed a home.

So it was spa day at my house.  She got a bath and her hair washed and in curlers, clothes washed and hanging up outside to dry.

I set her in the front window to dry and every little girl, and even some older girls, were pointing and smiling as they walked past my home.

She was still looking a little lonely so we decided to make it spa day for several girlfriends.
 How fun!

She cleaned up nice, I'll probably trade her off somewhere down the line or maybe I'll find some little girl who will want her for a play doll.

Now I have to stay away from that thrift store for a few weeks.


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