Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday in Manitoba

What a beautiful Monday morning we have going on here in Winnipeg.  The sun is shining, the winds are absent, and all predictions say it will be warm today.  We are lucky indeed.

Just a couple of hours from here, some are still fighting the disastrous flooding conditions from the Assiniboine River and now added to that, those who live permanently or have summer homes on Lake Manitoba are fearing that their homes will be washed away by the quickly rising lake, which has become a real threat from all the extra water being diverted there from the rivers.

It is hard to imagine what terror these folks must be feeling as they scramble to empty what belongings they can from their homes, knowing that the next time they come back, their home may very well be gone.  Some of these cottage homes, have been in families for years - passed down from generation to generation.  They have withstood many horrible storms, rain, tornado's ... now this.

My friends Laurie and Paul have a cottage on Lake Manitoba, and they spent the weekend sandbagging and trying to do everything they can to protect their home.  Their efforts may have been all for naught... only time will tell.

Please keep my friends, and all those who have been challenged beyond what is suitable, in your thoughts and prayers and they continue to fight this never-ending battle with the elements.

1 comment:

  1. Our area is inundated with news of the flooding in the Mississippi Valley but I'm sure the stories are much the same. Luckily, they can't wash away the memories .
    How do you find time to post before heading off to work so early? I would have bet you'd have been busy with Chip as this will be his first day home without you during the day? LOL



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...