Wednesday, January 2, 2019


"And now let us Welcome in the New Year
Full of things that have never been."

 - Rainer Maria Rilke

Welcome 2019!

"Time is New Year's bountiful blessing:  three hundred sixty-five bright mornings and starlit evenings; fifty-two promising weeks; twelve transformative months full of beautiful possibilities; and four splendid seasons.  A simply abundant year to be savoured."
                  -Sarah Ban Breathnach ( Simple Abundance)

Put like that makes me wonder how many of us will actually utilize the year 2019 in the most meaningful way possible.

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The quote is from a book I started yesterday - Simple Abundance - A Daybook of comfort and Joy.
It is a book of 365 daily readings on living one's life in a State of Grace - finding your authenticity in your daily life.  Learning and practicing Simple Abundance.

Perhaps not the easiest task for many of us, but one that I am finding easier to accomplish the older I get, and in the environment I now live.  That is to say living in the country - away from the big city that sucks you in and sucks you dry at every turn  - if you let it.

I have always known the benefit of country life, I have been exposed to it all my life through my parents and my extended family of relatives.  I thought I knew all about it, but living it 365 days of the year and visiting it on weekends really and truly is a lifetime apart...   and for me,  it's even better than I ever imagined!

What's your idea of Simple Abundance?

What's your idea of enough?

What's your idea of too much?

All good questions -  perhaps questions we should all be taking all that time outlined in the first paragraph to explore.

Personally, I am trying to be more mindful of Abundance each and every day.  

And so, I embrace and welcome the New Year - full of things that have never been...

Lets see where it takes us!

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