Friday, January 26, 2018


Thank you everyone who has responded to my "Be My Love" post.

After my husband read my post, he informed me that as he remembers Valentines Day in grade school - it was only the girls who were excited - the boys really couldn't have cared less about exchanging Valentines!

Talk about bursting someones bubble.  Does that mean that the Valentines we received with the words "Love" on them, from boys we really liked, really meant nothing at all?

Say it isn't true!

All kidding aside, thanks to some helpful readers, we have located some old-fashioned Valentine books, if you are interested.

One reader  found one on eBay.  This one is a vintage one... look at the price!  I think these were originally something like .29  !

Another reader has found a reproduction Valentine book of this type at Indigo book store, for 6.99.  Much better price and available online or in the stores.

I am going to continue to look in stores out here in the country, but now I can order one online - and I think I am going to do that!

Thanks everyone - this has been fun!

Have a great weekend - be safe!

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