Monday, November 7, 2016


It's Monday again, the first day of the week that might be just as interesting as last week was.

In our house, the talk continues about the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years!  It's a big deal  -  my husband being a Chicago kid, and a Cubs fan all his life, as his Father was before him.  Gary grew up attending games at Wriggly Field with his Dad, and his Uncle, so last weeks win will be celebrated in this house for years to come, I'm sure!

And now the American Election looms - I'm sure we are all waiting for the outcome of this very painful process that has been front and center for the whole world to see for what seems like way too long!  The world watches, and waits for the outcome of this election, more than it ever has before.  I am sure whatever outcome tomorrow will bring, it will affect many of us as well as the American people who so anxiously await the results.

Here in my little bubble, things are happening as well.  We have had incredibly warm weather for this time of year, in fact Friday our little Municipality was the hot spot of Manitoba at 20.2 C.  That trend continued all weekend giving us such warm weather, that I have new lettuce growing in my garden and perennials that have been dormant for at least 6 weeks have awakened and seem to think it's time to bloom again!

I am hard at work finishing up a collection of my Victorian Christmas Ornaments that I am going to sell at the Antique shop here in town.  I will have an assortment of my ornaments, some I am making for the first time in about 20 years.  My bears always have been my best sellers, and this time I will have hockey players, cowboys, ballerina's, brides and grooms, babies, angel bears, baker bears, to name a few.

I am delighted to say that I also have 4 dolls coming in that need restoring.  It's been a few years since I last worked on a doll, and I am excited to start working on them.  My mind is doing a quick switch to spa days and pretty doll clothes - how fun will that be?

Gary and I walked the perimeter of our town and up and down some areas that I have not been to before.  I have found a new spot right on the outskirts of town where I will be taking my camera.  It's a lovely spot, where there are open fields with the Riding Mountains as a perfect backdrop.  I wish I had taken that walk earlier - before the leaves had left the trees... but now I know it's there, I will be going back again.

So here's to the new week ahead... lets make it a good one!  Be active, be inspired, be happy!  It's ours to experience, it's ours to enjoy!

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  A few weeks ago, I made a new bread recipe, I recorded a video on it as well, which I will link below if you are interested in watching it...