Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Real Treat!

Did you learn the embroider when you were a child?  I think in the 50's and 60's most little girls learned this craft to some extent.  I was fortunate to be a "Explorer".  It was a pre-CGIT group in our church, and activities such as embroidery and knitting were taught in order to earn badges or stars to pin on our uniform.  Every year, each girl had to embroider a stamped square, usually for a baby blanket which was then sewn together as a baby quilt and donated to a local women's shelter.

My mom was one of the leaders in our group, so I usually got to do more than one square as often there were more squares than "Explorers".  I loved this, and embroidery turned out to be a very useful skill in later years when I started making cloth dolls and bears.

For years I was caught up in Crewel work, needlepoint, cross-stitch, and it remains one of my favorite (if seldom done) pastimes.  It is a time consuming art, but one well worth the time and effort put in to it.

I dug out my material stash on the weekend, and as usual, uncovered a whole bunch of UFO"s.  One bag I opened was all kinds of little bits and pieces of brightly coloured materials.  So last evening I sat down and started working on a crazy quilt patch.  I was looking for inspiration - so to the Internet I went, and what I found was some absolutely incredible artists who take crazy quilting to the umpteenth level!

I have always loved crazy quilts, I guess because I love Victorian so much.  I just love the colour, the craziness and the spontaneity in this type of fabric management.  Embellishing a crazy quilt is what makes it stand out - gives it it's glitter and sparkle, and believe me - these next few links will make you realize how beautiful crazy can be!

If this doesn't make you want to open up that embroidery box of threads, nothing will.

Imagine I stumbled upon these treasures because I was looking for inspiration...

Think I found it!





1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting my blog Dale AND what lovely comments. I'm delighted to hear I've provided some inspiration. I've found and continue to find so much inspiration online. Thanks again and once I'm back to blogging this September don't forget to leave a comment. I'll come visit again.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...