Saturday, November 12, 2011

Colour, Labels and a Blanket!

I have been making a few changes to my site the past couple of days - first of all you will notice I have been playing around with the colour.   I wanted a more Christmas(y) look to my page, but the red I chose at first was too hard to look at  - pretty, but hard on the eyes so I went back to a more neutral colour.

You might notice at the bottom right hand corner that there is a new feature called Labels.  I have had a few requests from new readers wanting to read Winter Wheat asking if there was a way to find the novel easier - instead of having to scroll through the archive all the time.  So I am creating Labels for all the posts where Winter Wheat is part of the post.  The problem is that one chapter can be spread across several posts - so I have had to come up with a numbering system of sorts.  Blogger isn't numerical at all - so a regular numerical system doesn't work - it wants to list everything alphabetically.

It is turning out to be one of those exercises in frustration!!

Please bear with me as I learn how to get this right.

For now you might have to have a scrap of paper sitting near your computer where you jot down where you left off, as it seems like blogger is just going to list the posts willy-nilly... no matter what I do to get it in order.

I have identified the beginning of each chapter for example Chapter 1 - the beginning of Chapter 1 is called Winter Wheat Chapter 1.  The next post for this chapter will be Winter Wheat Ch 1 (2) - the second part of Chapter 1.  Followed by Winter Wheat Ch1 (3) - the third part of Chapter 1.

I hope this isn't going to be too complicated - but it is better than hunting around the Archive.

It might take me a day or so to get the whole novel listed in labels - so keep checking, if you are just starting the book.

I will also have my poems listed in the labels as well.

I finally got around to taking a picture of the blanket I finished a couple of months ago.  It turned out beautifully, I think.  I loved the pattern, it was so simple and yet looks so elegant.

Gary and I walked through the Christmas section in one of the large department stores today - I'll tell you all about our finds next post.

Happy weekend all!

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