Thursday, September 29, 2011

Darn Darn Darn!

NOT the thread and needle kind - the stomp your feet on the floor in frustration kind!

I had a "spell" yesterday while at work - dizziness, lightheaded, eyes not focusing too well kind of spell, so I had to leave work and come home only 2 hours in to my day.

As dizzy as I was, I did notice that the tree in front of my house was shedding leaves like crazy, the boulevard and sidewalks were covered.  And so I begged, pleaded whined and generally tried to suggest that someone should really bag up all those leaves.

No takers, in fact I was told quite impolitely to get the darn leaves out of my mind.  Well!!  The faster they fell, the more I pleaded, but there was no co-operation going on in my sphere at all.  I did sort of think about trying to do it myself, but really it was such a chore to stay upright, I couldn't imagine how I would manage it.

So I slept most of the day - and wouldn't you know it rained in the evening!  Well, there was a lost opportunity for sure - I need my stuffing leaves for the pumpkin man to be dry - darn!

It's been raining off and on all day today too, and I'm still dizzy- slightly less so than yesterday.  My eyes are clearer but I still feel tired, and so like yesterday I have been napping the day away.

It's cloudy, cool and the wind is blowing enough to make my wind chimes sing.  The dog is asleep at my feet, and Chip is grinding his beak (his pre-sleep habit).  Yawn....  guess I could take another nap.... yawn... yawn...  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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