Last fall, thanks to my cousin Debbie, I managed to snag a box of bulbs. There were supposed to be 25 in the box, but all I could salvage was 16 bulbs, and none of them were that good.
A lot of the bulbs were powder, but I planted them anyway, hoping for the best.
I have never had good luck growing tulips. My former neighbour Elaine is the tulip growing queen of Canada I am sure, I wish you could see her yard at this time of the year. Over the years she has given me really good advice and lots of encouragement , but even so, my tulips either never had a bloom, or didn't show up at all!
So when I planted these rather sad bulbs, I was kind of thinking that really I wouldn't be too surprised or disappointed if they didn't grow.
But low and behold leaves popped out the ground this spring, and soon after I could see the flower buds in the center of every plant. They stayed that way for a long time, and slowly the stem started pushing the bud up, but the stem remained very short short, so I was still skeptical.
I got out the picture from the advertisement of the bulbs and noticed a couple of things. First the leaves in the ad had a white stripe down them. Mine did not. Secondly the flowers in the add were white and red... mine looked like they were going to be yellow and burgundy.
So I waited and watched some more.
Yesterday I was walking past the bed they are in and I had to stop and stare. Overnight the stems seemed to have stretched, and almost every one of the tulips were open. A few of the flowers appear as if they are looking around a corner... but they are there.
So back in the house for the camera I went.
This is the image on the box that I bought.
and here are my tulips.
I was prepared not to like them, but turns out that I do love them. Maybe they are different than the picture on the box, but I can see the flame, or the maple leaf ( which ever version of the description you want to believe) and I am happy with them. I hope in the years to come that they get stronger, multiply and get more beautiful with each year.
But for now, I can look at them with a smile and a certain amount of pride, that finally I seem to have been successful in growing some tulips.
Happy Birthday Canada!
So Proud to call you home!
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