Thursday, February 5, 2015

From and Rant to a Rave

Today I want to honor a very special woman in my life.  My Aunt Margaret Vick.  Today is her 97th birthday!  Happy Birthday Dear Heart - all my love to you on your special day!

My Aunt Margaret has been so many things to me in my life time.  Aunt, Mother, Sister, Friend...  Many have said we are "Birds of a Feather", "Kindred Spirits"... and all that may be somewhat true, but to me she has always been and will always be, one of the most important persons in my life.

My first memory of her, dates back to the early 1960's.  She was the lady who came to see us every year from the "States".  We would head downtown to the bus station and wait with anticipation for the blue Greyhound bus to pull in, and then like magic - she would step off the bus and the real magic would begin.  To me she was a movie star - always beautifully dressed in the latest fashion, high heels, lipstick, and fashionable glasses.  She had the neatest hand bags and luggage, and she always wore lots of jewelry.  She was a 1960's movie star to a little girl who rarely saw women that done up, unless it was Sunday morning in Church.

She came alone those first years but she always had hand-made gifts for everyone - and she always brought me a doll, because she knew I loved my dolls, and because she herself had started to seriously begin to collect dolls.

Then one year she arrived with a man - her new husband Tom.  When we were all set to squawk at the idea that we would no longer have this wonderful woman to ourselves - Uncle Tom blew into our lives and completely stole our hearts in mere minutes.  The two of them together was an awesome thing.  Happiness followed that pair everywhere they went, and the experience of having Aunty Margaret come to visit doubled because of Uncle Tom.

Their happiness was not to be forever.  Uncle Tom passed away at a very young age, leaving Aunt Margaret alone again.
This time she filled her life with her work as a flower designer, her crafts  - which could fill several blog posts and still never be covered fully, her family, and her friends.

In true Aunty Margaret fashion - she forged on and the made the most and the best of her life, her talents and the people around her.  There was and still is nothing she cannot create... She was Martha Stewart - long before there was a Martha Stewart.

She is the most talented woman I have ever known, and along with my mother, she taught me almost everything I know about crafting, creating and working with my hands.

She is the kindest and most generous person I know... she would give you the shirt off her back, if she thought you needed it more.

If I lived in Wisconsin, I would be with her today to celebrate her birthday with her.

She always has been and still is one of the best role models a gal could have - she is the best friend anybody could wish for and without a doubt she is the best Aunt I have ever had!

Happy Birthday Aunty Margaret... I LOVE YOU!

Just a few of her creations:

T-shirt she designed and made...

One of many many quilts she has done

Her Eggery is the most beautiful work she has done.  These are goose and chicken eggs..
Teapots made from Goose and Rhea eggs...

What an amazing woman!

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