Monday, July 25, 2011

Another Monday is Upon Us.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  It cooled off considerably here in Manitoba.  Last week we were so hot, and on the weekend we were reaching for sweaters... but still, in all, it was a nice break for a change.  On Friday I opened every window in the house, and washed all my floors.  The house smelled so nice and fresh, made me glad that I had finally accomplished something on my list of "To Do's".

The cooler weather inspired me to root around in my craft room to see what sort of UFO's lingered there.  I found some x-stitch pictures (3) that are in various stages of completion.  One of them, I'm not even sure I want hanging on my walls anymore, that's how long it's been since I worked on it... But the other 2 I will finish.  What I really want to do is start the new on that I just bought a few months ago.  It is Norman Rockwell's, The Doctor and the Doll.

Years ago, I had purchased the paint by number version at LeeWards!  I painted it, but for the life of me, I have no idea what ever became of that painting.  I do know that I have been searching for this print forever, and a few months ago, I found the x-stitch version on the Internet, so I ordered it before it disappeared again.  I want to start it, but I sat myself down and had a stearn conversation with myself, and in the end - I decided that I would not start it without first finishing the other pictures that I have started.

So until further notice - I will be X-Stitching!!!  You all will remind me of this, please when I switch lanes in a week or so???

I am taking a weeks vacation (next week) so hopefully I can actually make some headway on these UFO's.

So Happy Monday everyone, enjoy the day, wherever you may happen to be.

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